Pastor’s Welcome

Welcome to the faith community of Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima.  We are an active Roman Catholic parish of over 2,500 families with two churches, an elementary school and the Pope Francis Mercy Center that houses some of our outreach programs.

I invite you to come worship with us (at either church!) on Saturday evening, Sunday or at a weekday Mass.

Please investigate our many ministries.   For example:

For young families:  Park Bench (our weekly playgroup) or our 10:00 a.m. Family Mass on Sunday at Annunciation Church.

For seniors: Our 60+ Club for weekly fellowship, service and fun.

For families with children:  Annunciation School, our Religious Education Program, our Religious Education program for children with special needs, our CYO sports program or our Youth Group for high school students.

For people who wish to do more:  Social, service and philanthropic organizations such as the Holy Name Society or the Ladies’ Guild, or our Midnight Run program that regularly delivers food and toiletries to the homeless.

Our parish strives to live Jesus’ command to “love one another as I have loved you.”   We exist to walk with each other in faith towards a deeper understanding and fuller experience of the love of Jesus Christ.

Please contact our rectory or the leadership of our various ministries if you have any questions or would like more information.


Father Robert F. Grippo