November 15, 2018

Letter From the Pastor – November 18, 2018

Do you recall several years ago reading about an 18-month old girl, Jessica McClure, who had tumbled down an abandoned well shaft?  Nobody knew how she managed to fall through an 8-inch, coffee-can size opening into the 22-foot shaft in the hard rock.  For 58 desperate hours people rallied round and literally clawed their way to rescue her while the eyes of the nation prayerfully watched the effort.  When, finally, a paramedic emerged with the child, there were shouts of joy and thanksgiving.  Someone held a banner and the cameras relayed its message to the nation: “Stop weeping, America, Jessica […]
November 14, 2018

November Issue of “The Messenger”

November 14, 2018

Ladies’ Guild Holiday Sip & Shop – Nov. 16

Kick off the holiday season at the Ladies’ Guild Holiday Boutique Sip & Shop on Friday, November 16th in the Annunciation Gym from 7 – 10 pm.  Entry will be $10 for Ladies’ Guild members and $20 for non-Ladies’ Guild members.  Light dinner and drinks will be served. Please enter through the playground doors – and remember that many vendors will only accept cash or checks.
November 14, 2018

Parish Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the winners for our Annual Parish Raffle! First Prize:  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Petti Second Prize:  Mr & Mrs. Brian Byrne Third Prize:  Mrs. William O’Dea Fourth Prize:  Jean Rooney & the Granger family Fifth Prize:  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cusack Thank you to everyone who participated!
November 14, 2018

Turkey Dinner Donations – Nov. 19 & 20

Please help others to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving by donating complete Thanksgiving dinners to our Turkey Dinner Drive.  Please bring complete (uncooked) dinners with only FROZEN turkeys to the Parish Room on Monday, November 19 from 8 am – 8 pm and Tuesday, November 20th from 8 am – 5 pm.  Turkeys must be frozen, all other food may be fresh, packaged or canned.  No donations accepted after 5 pm on Tuesday.  Dinners will be donated to various needy parishes, food pantries and homeless shelters in our area.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.