September 15, 2020

Mass for Police & First Responders – Sept. 29

September 11, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – September 13, 2020

One of the most painful experiences in life is the to be disappointed by some person in whom we have truly believed.  Sooner or later that happens to everyone.  For most it begins in childhood, with the discovery that our parents are not perfect.  They are only people with the same weaknesses and problems that afflict us all.  Then later we learn that teachers do not always know all the answers. To experience this kind of disappointment in people is part of the process of growing up.  But it does not end with childhood.  It carries over into adult life […]
September 4, 2020

Letter From the Pastor – September 6, 2020

                In reading the newspapers recently, one can notice some evidence of nations in anguish and people in this nation filled with fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the earth.  I don’t have much interest in trying to predict some future time of adversity, but I am much more interested in learning how to handle present adversity.  In the gospels, Jesus told His disciples to “pray for strength to pass safely through all these imminent troubles and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.”                 Jesus was never […]
September 3, 2020

Regular Mass Schedule Returning October 1

Beginning on October 1st, our regular and weekend Mass Schedule will resume at Annunciation and Our Lady of Fatima Churches.  The only exception is that we will no longer offer the Sunday 5 pm Mass at Annunciation Church. So, our schedule will be as follows: Saturday: 5 pm (S) and 5:30 pm (N) Sunday: 7:30 am (S) 9 am (N) 10 am (S) 11 am (N) 12 pm (S) (No 5 pm Mass) Weekday Masses: 6:45 am (S) 9 am (N & S) Saturday mornings: 8:30 am (N) and 9 am (S)   (S) indicates Annunciation Church and (N) indicates […]
September 2, 2020

2021 Mass Intention Form

This year, due to Covid-19, we will only be taking mass intentions received through the mail, dropped off in the collection baskets or put in rectory mailbox.  On the morning of Wednesday, October 21st, we will randomly select all the mass intention forms we have received.  Mass intention forms may also be found in the back of both churches and via Flocknote or Bulletin.  Once we have gone through all the returned forms, we will call or email you to confirm which masses you received. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE RECTORY THAT DAY FOR MASS INTENTIONS!       […]