November 15, 2019

Advent Children’s Liturgy – Volunteer Sign up

To volunteer to help with Children’s Liturgy, please go to this link.   
November 15, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – November 17, 2019

Six days a week – Monday through Saturday – we live our lives in a highly competitive world.  Nations compete for power.  Politicians compete for votes.  Business competes for customers.  Workers compete for victories.  All of us, it seems, are competing with someone for something that both of us want but only one of us can have.  That is how we live six days a week.  Then on Sunday we come to church at Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima for worship and encounter a totally different emphasis.  In Church we pray that God’s will might be done on earth as it […]
November 8, 2019

Letter From the Pastor – November 10, 2019

Most people have a favorite and regular place to sit in the Church.  Standing up in the sanctuary week after week, I learn to look for certain people in certain places.  If on a given weekday or Sunday you are not in your place, there is not much use in looking any further because that usually means that you are not there.  I am not sure what this signifies, except that we are creatures of habit.  We like familiar places and things and faces for the simple reason that they are familiar.  Nevertheless, it was that particular quirk of human […]
November 7, 2019

November Religious Ed Newsletter

Click on image to download the full newsletter
November 6, 2019

Handicapped Mass – Nov. 9

Our Annual Handicapped Luncheon and Mass will be held on Saturday, Nov. 9 at 12 pm.  Cooks are still needed to deliver boneless chicken or meatballs, chopped salad, italian bread or rolls to the school kitchen HOT by 11 am that morning.  Volunteers are also needed to help with set-up and serving.  If you are interested in assisting with this wonderful event, please contact Diane Vezza at 961-3097 or  Thank you for your willingness to help out!