It certainly seems that the world today is once again in desperate need of a spiritual awakening.  It is the only hope for the survival of the human race!

 In the midst of the vast problems which face our world Christians are strangely silent and powerless, almost overwhelmed by the tide of secularism.  And yet, Christians are called to be the “salt of the earth”, keeping a decaying society from further corruption.  Christians are to be the “light of the world”, illuminating the darkness caused by sin and giving guidance to a world that has lost its way.  We are called to be “children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse  generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world”. 

So then why are we, Catholics, not “salt” and “light” as we ought to be – as we are called by God to be?  Why are we not doing much more to bring the kingdom of God to the hearts and lives of humanity? 

There are certainly many instances of Catholics who have been touched by God, and are in turn touching the lives of others for Jesus.  But for every instance of that there are many more Catholics who are living defeated, joyless lives.  These are the people who have no sense of the victory over sin or effectiveness in witnessing to our wonderful Catholic faith.  They, therefore, have little impact on those around them for the sake of the gospel of Jesus. 

If, then, the greatest need of our world is to feel the effects of a spiritual awakening, the greatest need within the Catholic church throughout the world today is to experience the touch of God in one’s life, bringing true renewal to the lives of countless Catholics.

We face a dark time in the history of God’s people.  In spite of some encouraging signs, the forces of evil seem to be gathering for a colossal assault on the work of God in the world.  Satan is alive and well in this world.  He has unleashed his power in a way perhaps unparalleled in the history of the world.  If ever there was a time we needed   renewal of our lives, it is now!  Only God can bring true spiritual awakening which will stem the tide of evil and reverse the trend.  In the darkest hour God can still revive His people, and breathe new vigor and power into each and every one of us.

Our world needs to be touched by Catholics who are Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, and Spirit-empowered.  This is what the Christmas story reminds us of.  So are you that kind of Catholic?  Or is there in your own life that need for a new touch of the Spirit of God?  This is the season of Advent!  What better time to be renewed.  Know that God wants to bring that renewal to you right now.  Be open to receive Jesus once again into your personal life.  What a great Christmas gift that would be!