Youth & Family Ministries

Altar Servers

Coordinator: Anna Caruso
Phone: (914) 779-7345

Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish is very proud of its altar server program, which includes boys and girls from grades 5 through high school. Applicants must be actively attending Mass and will be trained to serve weekend, wedding and funeral Masses. The training program begins in early March and takes six weeks to complete. Altar server schedules are posted on the parish website and distributed via Flocknote. Servers are required to attend their scheduled Mass or find a substitute.

Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Players

Contact: Frank D’Erasmo
Phone: (914) 723-3842

The Annunciation Players was created in 1980. Initially, it was the brainstorm of the Home School Association and other interested parishioners. The purpose was to present a musical talent show with chorus and production numbers and a cast consisting of children and adults performing songs, musical numbers and comic skits etc. Last year’s production was a smash hit!

The Annunciation Players have become a family with close ties to one another. Many friendships have been created over the years. We enjoy performing for the parish and invite you to join our family of players or come watch our next production.

Boy Scouts

Contact: Tom O’Grady, Scoutmaster
Phone: (914) 793-4051

There is open enrollment for Boy Scouts Troop #1 Crestwood. Boys are eligible when they turn 11 years old or at the completion of 5th grade. Meetings are once a week on Tuesday nights in the Crestwood Boy Scout Cabin on Read Avenue. You can enroll your son at any time by contacting the Scoutmaster.

Cub Scouts

Contact: Celeste Hughes
Phone: (914) 961-7625

Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish is the sponsoring organization for Cub Scouts Pack 6 Crestwood (Westchester-Putnam Council). The program is open to boys in grades 1 through 5 from the neighboring community. The goals of Cub Scouts are the character development, spiritual growth, good citizenship, physical fitness, and fostering a sense of personal achievement through new interests, skills and exciting activities.

Cub Scouts attend den meetings every other week in Parish/Convent Rooms or in their Den Leader’s home and also go on trips/outings. Dens come together for monthly Pack meetings in the school gym, go on camping trips in the fall and spring, and participate in a variety of service projects in the local community.

The Pack’s website is

CYO Athletic Association

Contact: Brian Duffy, Athletic Director
Phone: (914) 310-8090

Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Parish has an award-winning athletic program which has been in existence almost as long as Annunciation School itself. Although each sporting discipline has consistently exhibited strong competitive results, the primary goal of the athletics program (and reinforced via the CYO pledge) is to promote good sportsmanship and fair play. The athletic program currently offers placement in baseball, basketball, cheerleading, softball, volleyball and track to interested parish youngsters. An annual Communion breakfast is held in the fall to kick off each new season. The CYO program is supported, in part, by donations from the Holy Name Society and serves as a vibrant representation of the school and parish communities.

Girl Scouts

Contact: Melanie Murphy
Phone: (914) 346-5967


Contact: Hilda Rodriguez
Phone: (914) 202-8853

Girl Scouts are divided as follows:

  • Daisies: Kindergarten and 1st grade
  • Brownies: 2nd and 3rd grades
  • Juniors; 4th and 5th grades
  • Cadettes; 6th through 8th grades

Girl Scouts are made up of individual troops which belong to the Westchester/Putnam Council (Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson). The Scouts develop leadership skills and self-confidence by participating in varied activities including: camping, daytime and overnight trips, community service, award and badge/patch-earning opportunities, hiking and the arts.

Junior Choir

Contact: Jennifer Cardoni
Phone: (914) 779-7345

Membership is available to anyone in grades 2 through 8. The choir has a weekly practice on Tuesday afternoons and sings each Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. Mass at Annunciation Church, at First Friday liturgies and other special school and community services.

Park Bench

Contact: Christine Downs
Phone: (914) 262-9925


Park Bench is an unstructured play group for parents/caregivers and their children ages 1 month to 5 years. It is held on Friday mornings 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Parish Room from September through June. We enjoy free play, holiday arts and crafts, holiday parties, snacks, juice and coffee. Annual registration fees are $30 for one child and $35 for two or more children. Registration for the year takes place in September; however, you may register throughout the year by contacting the program coordinator.

Family Ministry

Contact: Jeannie Sweeney
Phone: (914) 260-4287

A new Family Ministries Initiative will be providing opportunities for community service gatherings for families of the parish and is open to children, teens, and parents.  The main objective of Family Ministries is to support and encourage the idea that the sacredness of family is the “foundation of our society.”  Various community service projects and activities will be scheduled throughout the year highlighting a faith-based and family-centered focus.  Please keep and eye on the bulletin and website for upcoming events.  All are welcome.

“Family is…the domestic church and the heart of the world.” – Pope Saint John Paul II