Will You Join Us In This Journey?
The RCIA is the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. The process begins in September and culminates at the Easter Vigil in the spring with the reception of the Sacrament of Initiation.
Formation includes several areas:
- Scripture: the stories of God’s people.
- Teaching: what Catholics believe.
- Prayer: how we communicate with God.
- Liturgy: how the community worships.
- Mission: how we live out what we believe.
Who Belongs In The RCIA?
The process of Christian Initiation is for adults who…
- want to learn more about the Catholic Church or
- are unbaptized and want to become Catholic Christians through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist or
- are baptized Christians (in another faith tradition or the Catholic Faith) who want full sacramental membership in the Roman Catholic Church through Confirmation and Eucharist or
- attend Catholic Church because of a loved one or spouse and are not sure if the Catholic Church is for them, but are willing to ask questions.
How Does It Work?
God calls and we respond. In the process of Christian Initiation, men and women at all stages of the faith journey come together in a non-threatening, non-pressured atmosphere to learn more about the Catholic Church as their way of following Jesus. The RCIA provides a forum for shared spiritual growth and a means to explore the Catholic Christian tradition through the scripture, sacraments, church teaching and social outreach, all in the midst of the Catholic faith community. Please call the Rectory at 914-779-7345 for more information.