Parish Trustees

Two lay members of the parish are appointed to serve as Trustees.  The current Trustees are Rich Barry and Damian Wach.


Finance Council

Each parish of the Archdiocese of New York must have a Finance Council, which advises and assists the Pastor in the exercise of proper stewardship over parish finances.  Respected and competent parishioners are appointed by the Pastor to serve on the Finance Council.

The Finance Council members are:

Sal Conti

Rich Barry


Parish Council

The Parish Council is a consultative body with several tasks, including, but not limited, to helping Parish members grow in holiness; cooperating with the Pastor for the good of the parish; striving to formulate an overall vision of the parish, its priorities and needs; and fostering greater participation in pastoral and social ministries of the Parish.

Meetings of the Parish Council are held monthly from September to June on the third Tuesday of the month.  Meetings are generally held in the Parish Room at 7:00 p.m.  Any non-member of the Council who wishes to speak at a regularly-scheduled monthly Council meeting shall submit a written request to the Chairperson at least one week prior to that regularly-scheduled meeting and must set forth in that written request the specific details of their concerns or presentation.

Parish Council Members are:

Damian Wach, Chairperson

Sal Conti, Vice Chairperson

Michael Gillan, Recording Secretary

Joe Accetta                               

Tom Fitzpatrick                       

Katherine Stipicevic                

Rich Barry                                          

Tom Fitzmaurice                     

Ex-Officio Members:

Caitlin Liberatori, School Principal              

Aisling DeSola, Home School Assoc.

Susan Arditi, Rel Ed Parent Assoc.   

Jennifer Cardoni, Music Ministry

Mario Caruso, Buildings & Grounds

Deacon Al Messana, Parish


Parish Council members also head up several parish committees. Committee membership is open to all parishioners who are interested in helping on these committees. Please call the rectory at (914) 779-7345 if you would like to join a committee.

Apostolic/Christian Service Community & Social Outreach
Evangelization Hospitality
Liturgical Marketing & Communications
Buildings and Grounds Committee

The Finance Council works hand-in-hand with the Buildings and Grounds Committee.  Appointed members advise the Pastor on projects related to the maintenance of parish property, including all seven parish buildings.  The Pastor appoints all members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee in consultation with the Finance Council.

The Finance Council and Building and Grounds Committee members are:

Mario Caruso

Sal Conti

Joe Carsky

Damian Wach