Contact Us

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mail Us

470 Westchester Avenue
Crestwood, New York 10707


(914) 779-7345

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us a message.

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Staff Directory

PastorReverend Robert F. Grippo
Reverend Carmine Caruso
AssociateReverend Shamira Nirosh Cooray
DeaconMichael J. Fox
DeaconJohn Hum
DeaconAl Messana
Office ManagerAnna Caruso
Finance Manager:Mary Fuschetto
Parish SecretaryMaryann Caiazzo
Parish SecretaryChristina Canale
Parish SecretaryMaryAlice McCombe

If you would like to speak to a priest, please call the rectory at (914) 779-7345 during office hours to make an appointment.